Friday, November 26
a little touchy
this laptop is taunting me with it's little flashing light, just in my periphal vision, flash, flash, FLASH, FLASH! "Just stop, would ya?" I want to yell, but that would be weird, especially at work and I mean it's not like it's doing it on purpose right?
I'll just turn around, kind of like facing a scary stuffed animal towards the wall. You never wanted to shove it in the closet, because then you couldn't see what it was doing, but turning it around somehow reduced it's evil powers AND let you keep an eye on it.
OK crazy tangent. My face is really dry and sore and burny and itchy, anyone have any good solutions? Moisturizing is NOT helping at all.
oh sure, I go to the effort of making this image actually flash but it only works if you click on it? What's up with that?
11 dirty hippies blowing your mind:
hey, it DOES flash -- cute!
man oh man now that the air has turned dry and the heat is on i', moisturizing my face three times a day and running the humidifier on low 24 hrs a day.
isn't it weird the way that dry skin can lead to breakouts, but so can oily skin? you literally have to maintain the exact right balance.
so, whatchoo up to this weekend?
god no kidding, my skin is dry and sore but I'm getting zits like a kid!
so tomorrow night we have Darrick's work christmas party to go to...that's the main thing. I'll probably do some christmas shopping tonight while I have money.
what about you?
yeah, and worse is that you have to find the right type of moisturizer for your skin too or too much moisturizer will ALSO make you break out!!
i was using Aveeno for the longest time until i finally clued in that it is too thick for my face. oddly, i use the immitation Aveeno that Fortino's sells for 1/2 the price and it must also be 1/2 as thick -- works perfectly. that, and Nature's Gate scent-free moisturizer for everywhere else and i am keeping the dryness at bay.
tomorrow night is jamie tennant's annual birthday party soiree. we're having a pre-party here at our place, ordering chinese food (Forbidden City!). tonight is going to be about hanging with my babe in our comfies, a fire in the fireplace, and a few episodes of Firefly.
cuz that's how WE roll, man.
sounds all good to me, I'm down with the comfy scene, anytime! Yum...Forbidden City sounds like not a half bad plan! I'd sort of decided to make satay chicken but maybe that can wait...
we had a satay stir-fry two nights ago. i used pork instead of chicken, just cut a tenderloin into pieces and cooked 'em up with some garlic then added them to the wok -- yum yum.
Forbidden City has the best chinese food in town if you ask me. plus, you get those awesome black plastic containers which you can keep and re-use.
order the mixed chow mein -- awesome shrimp!
cute post, I used to do EXACTLY that with my stuffed animals!
Forbidden city is great! It's kind of sad to see how their business has dropped though over the years, that place used to be booming! And yes, they have the best containers in the city by far!
I have a friend who swears by olive oil for itchy dry skin... I don't know I think I'd break out like crazy.
that olive oil tip might work if your face is made of pasta.
chinese food=cat
racism isn't particularly funny but even less funny is some archaic old "joke" like chinese food being made of cats. You'd have to be sub-normal to even find that giggle worthy, really.
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