new wallet (coin purse?), ebay of course, vintage (is 70's old enough to be called vintage?) I definitely think there are some rules on that, now I have to know, be right back.
So yeah, I don't know, consensus seems to be that vintage is anything 25 years old or older, but less than 100 years old at which point it becomes antique. Retro is new but styled to resemble something from a different era? Sigh, whatever, anyway, this is my new vintage wallet from ebay like I was saying, definitely vintage yes, it's almost 40 years old. I don't know if I've had a coin purse ever. It's a kid/old lady thing?
I don't discriminate though, here are my (retro?) boots, cheap, cheap, CHEAP actually from Zellers, I wanted a pair of wedge boots and didn't want to pay vintage prices because these are not boots I will wear all year like My Fryes or my Kors so screw shelling out PLUS they are borderline ugly, typical for me to buy things that are straddling that line. Oh yeah, Zellers, I don't think they have them in the U.S., would be like K-Mart maybe? $29 for these boots. Will probably last like $29 boots but I'm good with that.
I have a boot thing, I could buy a new pair of boots every few days I think, I hardly own any shoes, I have a pair of running shoes for exercise and I have a few pairs of sandals for summer and I might still have the odd pair of dressy shoes around but I just can't be bothered buying shoes. It's always boots.
5 dirty hippies blowing your mind:
hippie stuff, it's not 1968.
I like that little wallet thing! So cute!
Love the wallet and boots, you have good taste. I wish I had a boot thing, seems I only ever buy boots when my currents ones fall apart.
thanks! sometimes I feel like my taste might be kind of, well, tacky? But fun stuff makes me happy!
the boots are cute!
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