Wednesday, December 1

The Day After The Ear Thing

Can I just point out that I despise the word Cyber? It sounds just...ick to me.

Sick yesterday, well not really sick exactly, I mean I had a fever but it was from my ear situation which by the way is really starting to tick me off, I'm not 4, why are my ears screwed? Let me guess, something isn't balanced because I don't eat holistic wheat nuggets or something right? (Picture me rolling my eyes to a vaudeville horn sound here).

I did manage to bake a Vanilla Confetti cake with whipped vanilla icing yesterday, sometimes you just have to don't you? It reminds me of being a kid. I haven't gone out taking photos forever now it seems; you know, as soon as I started taking that photography course it just wasn't as fun to go out and shoot, I think that means something. Don't get me wrong, I like the class just fine, I think I just don't like assigned photography. Tonight is my last class, final test which will be killer easy I think. I still have 4 more french classes (also enjoyable but tiring after working all day).

I've learned a lot about myself as student in the past few months. What exactly? I'm NOT one anymore and when I say anymore I probably mean never was and never will be. And that in itself is a lesson learned.  Sad I suppose given my enthusiasm beforehand but I just want to do what I do and LOVE it, you know?

2 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Kristiane said...

It is important to love what you do although sometimes not always possible in a work situation is it.

You definitely don't want to spoil your hobbies for yourself though!

Anonymous said...

I don't like that word either.