Monday, November 29

Suburban Ghetto Food

Weirdest craving out of the blue this morning, I'm fully dying for a white Wonder bread and processed cheese and bologna sandwich with mayo and mustard. Where, I mean WHERE did that come from? The only thing that would make it better would be a glass of Kool-Aid, made from the little packet with your own sugar added. Served in tupperware.

I mean look at that, you can imagine the super soft texture and perfect, sublime melding of cheap ingredients, yum.

I think I might have to have a Suburban Ghetto Kid food party one of these days.

You know, serve the above sandwiches, Alpha-ghetti sandwiches, kraft dinner, Jello with canned fruit salad embedded in it, Wagon Wheels, Celery with peanut butter (that one might be too healthy)... I'm sure I'm forgetting something key.

11 dirty hippies blowing your mind:

Rejean said...

the alphaghetti sandwich is unparalleled in its splendour.

Anonymous said...

bolony is for hillbillies

viggaz said...

best ... party concept ...EVER!

add to the buffet: toast, beanie-wienies (brown beans w/ mollases not tomato sauce and sliced wieners), hostess sno-balls, and that candy-bar-shaped toffee that came in a plaid box (the one you had to slam on your desk to break!).

music should be exclusively K-Tel and everyone should wear pajamas. and play old board games like Pop-O-Matric Trouble, Life, Operation, and Payday! or, lets break out the Pla-doh and the EZ-Bake oven!

Gage1 said...

THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN!! It has to now. Your ideas are awesome! I am a HUGE board game nerd AND like to hang out in my PJ's. I have lots of good games, and am planning to pick up Kerplunk, which I recently found at Wal-Mart.

The toffee is McCormick's I think? something like that. I LOVE beans and weiners (molasses, not tomato sauce).

I think this should happen sometime in January, after the rush of Christmas, yes?

Alcohol for the party will have to be retro inspired as well.

this excites me, which shows that I am likely white trash at heart.

This could also be a precursor OR companion to my other party idea which I've never actually gone through with; I have this yellow recipe box from the 70's. We were going to have a potluck where everyone would have pulled a recipe from the Harvest Gold recipe box to make and bring.

viggaz said...

this is a party that should absolutely happen, it would be criminal if it doesn't!

we'd have to make a trip into Toronto to go to Sugar Mountain and buy a ton of retro candy -- Lik'Em Sticks, Fizz, and KooKoo must all be on hand!

free Lola's for everyone!

Gage1 said...

LOOT BAGS!I bet the dollar store has those retro type clown ones.

I was always partial to bottle caps and mojos myself. Have you ever gone to that candy store in Westdale area? I wonder if they have retro type candy?

The K-Tel playlist pretty much means I just get to sit around and listen to my favourites anyway, doesn't it. ; )

Hell, I'll even go one further and serve a retro style cake with icing flowers and drippy candles. It can be a retro birthday party for nobody in particular!

viggaz said...

Mojo's!! How about some Whoppers and some Pop-Shoppe Cream Soda?!! Goes down well with a few Popeye Sticks and a bag of Big League Chew!

Gage1 said...

Gold Rush gum! Garbage pail candy! Hell, I may even get some Wacky Packages off Ebay for this!

I don't like Whoppers though.

Ty said...

ain't one damn thing wrong with a good bologna sandwich.

viggaz said...

Red Hots! Appleheads! Atomic Fireballs!

and Hot Rods for the men (or the horses, who also enjoy a good salt lick)

Gage1 said...

We will have to make a shortlist of candy I think!